CoSMoS Engineering



Monitor Concrete Strength in Real Time

CoSMoS™, Concrete Strength Monitoring System is a tool that monitors in real-time on site concrete strength, remotely and from any device with internet access. CoSMoS™ allows to reduce costs, time and carbon emissions, thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. 


Know in real-time both the current status and the historical evolution in 30-minute intervals of your concrete pourings. 


CoSMoS™ system is made up of sensors and transmission devices , which automatically collect all the data from inside the concrete. These are processed on our servers showing the evolution of your concrete resistance by accessing our application from any device. 


Cosmos transmission module (CMT)

Suitable for any work

Transmits in the most demanding environments. Resistant to dust, water, and concrete.

High Visibility

Our CTM's are made in high visibility orange, favoring easy identification on site.


Lithium batteries, with a duration of up to fifteen months, allow you to monitor continuously and without human intervention during each measurement.

Device Placement

Six-meter cable allows the device to be connected to the sensors embedded inside concrete.

Used Material

Mostly made with an aluminum profile, resistant to construction conditions.


The system and its architecture have been designed in such a way that the CTM can be used in consecutive measurements. This way, costs and waste within the structure are reduced.

Know your concrete strength anytime, anywhere.

Building developers

Reduce costs, times, and the sales cycle, anticipating the launch of your product on the market.

Concrete Manufacturer

Compare your maturity curves with real data from your customers and optimize your concrete mixes.

Construction companies

Reduce costs by avoiding downtime and accidents, and improve your project planning.

Building Controls

Easily obtain historical data about the strength of poured concrete against other processes.

Project Management

Access real-time data about your structures and verify the evolution of concrete strength .


Reduce the carbon footprint of your projects by reducing the climate impact by 50 kg of CO2 per cubic meter of concrete.

Concrete engineering services

CoSMoS™, A Unified System: How it Works

Using our app, we will register a new measurement by assigning it to an available device and specifying the type of concrete that will be poured. When we have a project registered, we can create different phases in which to organize the measurements. Within a phase, by clicking a button, we will open the form to configure and create a new measurement.

Once we move to the installation phase of the sensor we will fix it inside the structure, preferably in the armor, wiring it to the transmission device and connecting it. Then we turn on the device. 

CoSMoS™ will acquire and transmit the data for the monitoring of the structures where the concrete is poured.

A few seconds after the concrete pouring, the first rounds of data will begin to be received. By accessing the CoSMoS™ platform, we can control the setting status of the sensorized concrete anytime, anywhere. 

Our stats.

data points
years in business
sensors installed

Awards and Accelerators Supporting coSMoS

Cosmos™ is ready to join your next project.

Join the Future of Construction 4.0